Psychological Testing and Assessment Packages

At Summit Emotional Health, we offer a variety of assessment options tailored to meet your individualized goals and needs. You may choose to undergo testing in order to:

  • Inform therapy recommendations,
  • Assess the need for medication management,
  • Clarify diagnoses, and/or
  • Ascertain eligibility for therapeutic, educational, or occupational services.

Note: Testing packages may be adapted and customized as needed based on individualized goals and prior evaluations. For more information about rates and availability, please contact Amanda Brichta at 804-562-6557 x708 or

School Admissions Package: This package provides intellectual testing for school admissions or educational planning purposes. Results can be sent to parents and schools directly, depending on school requirements or parental preferences.

Educational Package: This package examines any learning difficulties or potential auditory processing issues, such as concerns related to one’s ability to read, write, learn new concepts, master age-appropriate skills, and/or earn satisfactory grades. Results from this testing can inform educational services including IEP/504 Plans, testing accommodations, etc.

Psychological Package: This package can fulfill a number of different goals, such as helping to understand you/your child’s strengths, mental health diagnoses, or personality features for purposes of informing therapeutic approach and/or determining whether medication may be worthwhile. More specifically, this package can identify any symptoms that meet criteria for a diagnosis of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD), Major Depressive Disorder, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

Comprehensive Package: Often referred to as a “Psychoeducational Assessment”, this evaluation combines the aforementioned Educational and Psychological packages, thus providing a better understanding of any learning difficulties and/or any mental health disorders (including AD/HD, anxiety, etc.). Results provide highly specific recommendations for educational, occupational, and therapeutic services.

Autism Spectrum Disorder Package: This package is specifically designed to assess whether you/your child have symptoms consistent with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The ASD assessment may be appropriate if you/your child have already undergone a psychological evaluation and wish to focus specifically on symptoms associated with ASD.

Autism Spectrum Disorder Plus Package: This package helps to understand if you/your child have symptoms consistent with ASD and/or any other mental health disorder. It combines the aforementioned Psychological and Autism Spectrum Disorder packages, providing a more comprehensive assessment of intellectual, socio-emotional, and adaptive functioning.

Neuropsychological Package. This package is beneficial for individuals and families who suspect problems with learning, attention, memory or other cognitive deficits, as well as persons who have neurocognitive or emotional difficulties. It involves components of the Educational and Psychological packages along with formal assessments of cognitive functioning controlled by different regions of the brain. This type of evaluation provides understanding of the what as well as deeper insight into the why, thereby enabling detailed recommendations for academic, psychological, neurological, and other interventions.